Free-range breeding
Free-range breeding

More animal welfare and hygiene are in the foreground

We are committed to offering high quality poultry and give the hightest value to animal well-being. Our animals have therefore an access to an outdoor area with meadows, trees and hedges for a minimum half of its life.

Free-range farming

Free-range farming

Our animals spend minimum half of its life outdoor in their natural environment. This allows them to grow at their own pace, to aswer to their needs and to express their natural behaviour.

More space in the henhouse

More space in the henhouse

Our poultry have 30% more space available im comparaison to the conventional breeding due to the lower livestock density. Having daily access to an outdoor area provides our poultry a rich and varied environment.

Free access to food & water

Free access to food & water

High-quality food and water are essential building blocks for animal welfare and health. In accordance with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Initiative, we have our drinking water controlled by specialist laboratories according to defined chemical and microbiological parameters.



Our poultry is fed on a vegetable diet with minerals and vitamins. There are no antibioticzs authorised unless sickness after prescription by veterinarian and is recorded in a privately managed database.

Natural environment - strictly monitored

Natural environment - strictly monitored

Our poultry grow in a rich and varied environment. In addition, we regularly have so-called barn climate checks carried out by trained specialists who, among other things, examine ventilation systems of the barn facilities and assess the air quality and temperature.

Transport time & slaughter

Transport time & slaughter

Short travel distances from the breeding farm to the slaughterhouse: the animals are transported in less than 3 hours. The stunning method used is controlled atmosphere stunning with inert gas.

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